BBC Wales will once again be running a highlights programme following Wales Rally GB. It'll be a one-hour programme on BBC2 Wales at 23.20 on Monday, November 15th (BBC2W is Sky channel 991 for viewers outside Wales). It'll also be available on the iPlayer.

WRGB also gets a mention on BBC2 Wales this Friday (Nov 5th) in 'Sport Wales' at 7pm. Presenter Lisa Rogers talks to Phil Mills and gets to experience a stage from the co-driver's seat with Nigel Griffiths.

“I was pretty nonchalant about getting into the rally car with Nigel,” says Lisa. “I'd been driven round Silverstone in a formula one speed car, raced super trucks and even been on the back of Karl Foggarty's motorbike with him in the driving seat. So trundling along the mountain tracks would be fun, but not that much more exciting, surely?

“Oh how wrong I was! The first run left me unable to speak, just wail, gripping the seat of the car and wishing I hadn't eaten my lunch yet. Phil had given me the advice that a co-driver needs to look ahead, think quickly and give crystal clear instructions, but all I could manage was a ‘square right’ and an ‘ooooooh’.

“But after a couple more runs, I settled into the feel of the car and now I get it. It's the most adrenaline fuelled buzz imaginable, approaching a hairpin bend at 70 mph with a 30 metre drop over the edge is not designed for the faint hearted. I loved it and completely understand why rally drivers don't give up once the bug has bitten.

“So if anyone is looking for a co-driver to train up, I'm small and light, I know my left from my right, and I promise I could manage the whole rally without asking where the visor mirror is.”