So yeah, E.J. is a nice guy, a fast driver and he's done well to find sponsorship, but I don't see how I can in good conscious support someone who takes money from a near-bankrupt socialized company that has just requested the Venezuela government seize 11 U.S. owned oil rigs.

Lawmakers loyal to President Hugo Chavez authorized the nationalization of 11 oil rigs owned by U.S. driller Helmerich & Payne on Tuesday, saying the move was necessary to put the idled rigs back into operation. The predominantly pro-Chavez National Assembly declared the rigs "of public utility," clearing the way for the government to seize permanent control of the rigs used to extract heavy crude from oil fields.
The Tulsa, Oklahoma-based company shut the rigs down last year because Venezuela's state oil company, PDVSA, was behind on payments. The company said last week that PDVSA's debt was $43 million as of June 14.