The attack on the USS Liberty, an unarmed surveillence vessel operating in the Med during the 1967 Arab/Israeli War, was viciously attacked by Israeil air and naval forces on this date: June 8, 1967. The events of that day was subject to a government and media coverup and to this day goes sarcely mentioned in the pages of history books. There are no official ceremonies of rememberance attended by politicians. On television there are no docudrama re-enactments or specials containing first-hand accounts of the individuals involved.

As a veteran who hails from a military family who has family serving in the US Navy at this time and as an American who puts country before entangled alliances we the people neither voted for or were asked to support I find this situation infuriating.

Here is a youtube video on the events as they occurred that day;

An independent filmaker's screening for his movie "The Loss of Liberty" will be conducted at a Daytona Beach coffee house this evening with streaming simucast;

"Of the 294 men aboard the vessel, 34 were killed and 171 were wounded by a well-coordinated, multi-wave assault that included the use of napalm. More than 40 years later, the Liberty’s survivors are still seeking justice."

God bless the dead, the survivors, and this nation.