I have no doubts that some of us have seen something in the sky that we have no explaination for. If you would like to relate your tale here, go ahead and do so. But my real question is proof. Nobody has any conclusive proof.

Quite a few people are convinced that various governments have proof, pictures, debris, beings, entire spacecraft, etc. from all sorts of mishaps where an alien craft managed to navigate hundreds of thousands of deep space to get to earth only to plow into a mountain side while sightseeing.

But, if it didn't happen, or there is another explaination, classified at the time, how can the government prove to your satisfaction they aren't covering up something that didn't happen?

I once got a letter from the IRS (tax people) that I owed addititional taxes and penalties on $27,000 I made in Alabama the previous year. I had worked for one company, in Texas that entire year and knew nothing about the Alabama deal. Turned out the IRS had a 1099 form with my name, but no address or social security number from a company in Alabama. How am I supposed to prove, beyond all doubt, that I did no work for that company? It's impossible. They finally backed off, but I can sympathize with the government not being able to release records they don't have on an incident that didn't happen.