Quote Originally Posted by Mark in Oshawa
I kinda do it for a living ....it can be overrated some days.

Favourite state for scenery on the road? Wyoming is interesting, I also enjoy the desert of West Texas, and the Sierra Nevada of California, but I never get tired of the Shenandoah valley area of Virginia. Don't ask me why...just love it. Mass and New England also...especially in the fall.
Shenandoah Valley? That's my hometown. The Valley braketed by the Karst WV region to the west and the Blue Ridge to the east is nice. I wonder if I have a case of 'the grass is always greener'...there are times in the early morning when I'm headed to Summit Point raceway early in the morning when I crest the rise with the valley below, fog hanging around the old mountains and the Shenandoah below that it strikes me as gorgeous. However, the forests are downright thick and almost all the land has 'no trespassing' signs, it feels a bit like driving though a picture, as if you can never really get close to it.

Whenever i see the rolling open hills of the napa valley around Laguna Seca it seems so...open and free. Having been to California it seems like you could just wander about and get to the tops of the mountains on foot, walking about the open landscape past the clumps of trees. It looks as if you could experience the countryside moreso than you can in the Shenandoah.

Other places that seems striking to me are the boreal forests of the nordic countries, New Zealand for the dramatic waterfalls and elevation changes. Based upon what i've seen from Top Gear, WRC and Monaco the south of France seems quite remarkable. However, come to think of it, the most striking countryside i think I've seen images of is Iceland. The crystal lakes combined with the volcanic nature of the landscape just seems so incredible to me.