Quote Originally Posted by Knock-on
I understand the point you are making but fundementally disagree with it. If you are benefitting the slower teams by giving them an advantage denied to the faster teams, it follows that they are on the losing end of the arrangement.

I would love more teams in F1 with pre-qualifying etc but only on a level playing field. You get better by investing time, effort and money to build up the skills and experience necessary to win. Winning is not a right but acknowledgement that you have done a better job with the same opportunity as everyone else out there.

People will jump up and say that Toyota, Ferrari, McLaren have bigger budgets compared to the smaller teams but everyone has the opportunity to secure as much money as they are worth. You are not saying to a team that because they aren't doing as well, they can have an extra $$$.

Just doesn't work for me.
Fully agree!