Ive seen the above mentioned footage and that has inspired me to actually go and watch the rallying coverage at the X games.

Im a traditional rally fan in that I love the traditional Monte, 1000 Lakes, RallyGB rallys and I like the Group A format as it relates to cars that you could buy at the time (In that its more a higher spec Group N car).
However I dislike the abundance of whoopti-do super special stages seen in the current WRC, I am appalled that every driver in each team is not given identical machinery and I, as bad as this may sound, I dislike the American perception of what rallying is about.

Now, I like the idea of the X games bringing 'youth orientated' sports to television, however Im skeptical about rallying's inculusiuon in the X games.
I'm sure the media exposure will reap its benefits through sponsorship, television audience and stage audience interest, but If the end result is that rallying changes to adopt the American perception of what it is, then I'm against it.

Let it be said Id love to see a WRC event held in the USA as I think it would put a lot of 'show of drivers' (ahem, KB) in their place.