
Already grievously hurt by the damage he did to his own reputation by lying to the stewards over how Jarno Trulli came to pass him under the safety car at the opening round in Australia on March 29, the support network Hamilton has counted on for more than a decade was falling down around him in the Shanghai paddock

Several of the mechanics at McLaren, the Surrey-based team whose golden boy he has been since falling under their wing as a sensational 13-year-old karter, have
deserted him — for deserting them.

The rank and file here are still furious that Dave Ryan, an employee for 35 years, was sacked for his role in the cheating scandal.

Ryan was undoubtedly culpable as the only McLaren man other than Hamilton to enter
the stewards’ room to spin the deceit. But the fact that the multimillionaire sought to
shift the majority of the blame on to the sporting director hastened his departure.
One team insider, who wished to remain anonymous, said: ‘They have all known Davey for many, many years and are upset he became the fall guy. Then there was the talk of Lewis threatening to quit the team. That did not go down well because we feel he should have shown more support after the work we’ve done for him. The guys put all the hours in and don’t get anywhere near the rewards he does.’
Hamilton has worn a haunted look all weekend. He agreed to speak to the press only after the FIA ruling body wrote to McLaren to remind them that Article 35.2 of the sporting regulations required him to do so at all ‘reasonable’ times.

He had spent Thursday, which is usually set aside for media engagements in the build-up to a race, in the McLaren hospitality area rather than fulfilling his normal press duties.
On Friday, McLaren changed their schedule under duress. There would be a brief media scrum conducted in a cramped doorway. The Tannoy was just a few feet away, broadcasting to the circuit and drowning out Hamilton’s words for all but those reporters closest to him.

I'm picking up vibes: Lewis Hamilton has become unpopular in recent weeks with his team
His answers were curt and clipped. There is a suggestion that he read every condemnatory word of the newspaper coverage of his indiscretion and felt let down.
But his manner, uncharacteristically abrupt, was essentially a reflection of his mood — disenchantment reinforced by isolation. He failed to commit himself to seeing out his contract and was less than effusive about Ron Dennis, his supposed mentor who stepped down as chairman of the McLaren Group as part of an inelegant solution to satisfy demands from the company’s major shareholders — Mercedes and the
Bahrain royal family.

They were furious that McLaren — and their good name — was in the dock again just two years after Spygate and the £50million fine they received for having Ferrari’s technical data in their possession.

So here was Hamilton in the middle of a storm and facing possible censure — including expulsion from the championship — from the governing body which he believes has previously given him less than a fair break.

One McLaren insider said: ‘We can’t afford to give the FIA an inch.’

While there may be those that do not like the slant of the article as to the interview referenced in the article, here is from autosport:

Q. Have you spoken to Ron Dennis?

LH: No.

Q. Do you intend to?

LH: I will do at some stage.

Q. What was your feeling last night then when you heard he had gone?

LH: I wasn't disappointed. I was surprised, but I had not heard about it. I was just as surprised as the rest of my team.

But it must be difficult because of your relationship, to see him step back like that?

LH: Of course. Ron has been a huge force and support in my life, and he still plays a key role in my life. Whether or not he is in the team or not, I think you guys have been writing about it for years that as soon as he gets to a certain stage he will move aside. I guess, I don't know why, he decided to do it now.

Q. Did you get the signal from the people around the team that he was happier for making this decision?

LH: I honestly haven't spoken to anyone about it. I heard just as the team did yesterday. I went away last night with it.

Q. Is there a mood within the team for a new beginning?

LH: Not that I have seen, no.

Q. How was your car?
LH: Not very good.
Q. Is there a hope it will improve for the next few races?
LH: I don't know, I have to speak to my team, but I hope so because we need as much improvement as possible so we will keep pushing.
Q. Pushing too hard at times in a car that wasn't ready to be pushed that hard?
LH: For sure all weekend I have been pushing that car beyond its limits, and beyond what it is really capable of. Today just proved it, especially when the tyres dropped off, I just wasn't able to avoid the oversteer moments.