Quote Originally Posted by ArrowsFA1
And from that perspective you cannot argue with Ferrari's policy of building a team around one driver, particularly when he signed in 1995. Ferrari were rebuilding and MS was at the centre of that. It made sense, the likes of Irvine and Barrichello knew the score, and you can't argue with the results.

But, Austria brought all of that into focus in a negative way. I think many felt that to gift MS a win, when he already had every 'advantage' (both within the team and in terms of talent) was so unnecessary. He did not need to be given a win like that. By his reaction I think he realised that as well.
I think that's a very fair comment on what happened.

Let's not forget, though, that this was by no means the first time such a thing had happened in motorsport, it was by no means the worst such incident (a couple in the WRC spring to mind) and I reckon had it been anybody else but Schumacher there wouldn't have been such vehement criticism.