Quote Originally Posted by thompp
SEATFreak is going to have to change his name (again)

VauxhallFreak, anybody..?
Quote Originally Posted by Eurotech
Quick sugestion - LADAfreak? or go back to MG because Jason Hughes seems a bit reluctant to let go!
I admire your balls to not just kick the dog when it's down...but from behind...but it's shows just how low you two are prepared to stoop. Thank you for tha.

As it happens I will only change my name when hell freezes over....or when that cruel tyrrant Iain who seems to love punishing people for any old reason starts being a nice person which is considerably longer. Sometimes I wish I would die of cancer soon so I can get away from this non-stop reign of punishment he feels I deserve so much.

Well, behind peoples back I lent my full support to Clyde Valley Racing. I fully intend to keep my name. I will get banned for it but frankly I don't give a toss. I haven't enjoyed as much peace in a long long time.