I think it's important that the calendar is balanced between - on one side the sporting and historical interest - and on the other side the marketing value for the manufactures.

I personally don't think that the historic events should be kept in the calendar every year. This sport desperately needs to reach more countries, so I am all for 24 different events over 2 years. But if 4 permanent events should be considered (Tour de Corse, Monte, 1000 Lakes and Rally GB) then I think the calendar should be expanded to 14 rounds per year. 12 rounds are too few for my liking!

Regarding the marketing values, then I cannot understand why China isn't on the list, since all manufacturers are asking for it. While I think FIA clearly is on the right path with their new way of thinking, then they still need to have a little better understanding of the marketing values in this sport - otherwise new manufactueres won't enter WRC.