Quote Originally Posted by indyracefan
...AOWR was founded on running ovals, and for a large part of it's history that's all they raced. This idea was resurrected with the formation of the IRL but for a variety of reasons was met with marginal success with fans & sponsors. Far more history and tradition with oval racing than road/street racing.
Quote Originally Posted by cartpix
AOWR was founded with riding mechanics, skinny tires, production type chassis & drivetrains, not to mention engines in front. There's a huge amount of history and tradition there. If the modern race car can evolve out of the past, why can't the tracks they race on? AOWR started on ovals because the infrastructure was already in place, hoarse tracks. Since that time, many road tracks were built. Indy cars have gone away from the lay over Offys and offsett chassis. These cars are built so they can turn right, too. So why not let them?


<tongue firmly in cheek mode on>

Or do both!

<tongue firmly in cheek mode off>

As long as the mix is not HEAVILY weighted in one direction or the other I am quite happy with a diverse schedule. And I am not going to look at this year or even next year's schedule to decide if it is weighted in one direction or the other.
