Qualifier: I admit I am not a Danica Patrick fan, having had my fill of the Danica hype given her marginal performance when so many other talented drivers in sub-par teams get virtually no recognition for their achievements. Regardless, and in all seriousness, Briscoe's incidence with Patrick is one of the better things that happened for her on Sunday. Had she not been taken out (regardless of which side of that argument one takes on that issue) she would have struggled on for not even a top ten finish (if you don't buy my opinion on that, hold the thought and just replace what I said with less than a top 5 finish - she certainly was not on track to do that). Instead she is now the victim and I would venture to say most casual racing fans either now or in the near future will only remember that Patrick didn't win because she was unjustly taken out by someone else. Look at the televised and press attention she received by storming down the pit lane. Contrast that with her pulling into the pits at the conclusion of the race - back around 10th place - and when they shoved the microphone in her face all she would have done is spewed on about the terrible car the team gave her, and the other poor drivers. While the press would have eaten that up it would only tarnish her image. Now, due to Briscoe, she is a hapless but feisty victim who had the 500 - or a good chance at it- taken away from her versus being a disingenuous driver and poor loser. She definitely needs to thank Ryan Briscoe.