Wouldn't it be nice for the CMR2 WRC if we would know what the weather on stages 3-10 expert (or 3-8 intermediate level) would be based on the weather for stages 1 and 2?

I'm convinced that weather is randomized for a complete rally as a whole and not on a 2 stage by 2 stage basis (I welcome your opinions). If this is true, if we knew all the combinations of weather condtions for stages one and two, and expanded these by finding out the remaining stage conditons it should be possible to determine for every rally what someone can expect to encounter on a full rally based simply on weather presented for stages 1 and 2.


1) Choose a group a stages aside from Greece (always sunny) and Sweden (wether snow or no snow makes no difference on surface composition). Do complete rallies noting stages conditions and send the data to me. I'll compile the list. Hopefully it won't vary between PC and PS1

2) Make notes during the year of the rallies in which you compete. Will take a bit longer, but every little bit helps.

What do you guys think?