Quote Originally Posted by Marc W
I was listening to Top gear's radio transmissions last night during night Qualifying, very funny;

Pit: James where are you at the moment?
James May: You keep talking to me on that difficult corner and I keep COCKING IT UP!

and this one;

Jeremy Clarkson: BAD!
PIt: Pardon, are you okay?
Pit: Where are you Jeremy?
JC: I'm on the ***** track. Where do you think I'd be?!!
Pit: Where on the track are you?
JC. I'm coming past the pits, it's a BMW with a big ***** Wing on it. You can't miss it!

Right at the end

James May: I think i've broken it.
Pit: what have you broken?
James: Everything, it's stopped working.
Pit: Whats it doing?
James: I think the gearbox has gone, its making a great big clonking noise.
It's going to be one of the better episodes isn't it?