Since you think I'm picking on your hero, I'll bold and italicize plenty of statements which includes all of them. If reading comprehension isn't your strong point, maybe in the future I will provide a list of all drivers so that you understand what I mean by saying "all of the" or "none of them". For most those types of statements are obvious.

Quote Originally Posted by airshifter View Post

It happens. Teams screw it up, drivers screw it up. None of them are winning championships in average cars, and none of them dominate without the best cars. Had luck always come his way and he had always been mistake free, Lewis would probably have 9 WDC's now. But he managed to snatch 7 of them, which is still a great record.

Quote Originally Posted by airshifter View Post

None of them did it in crap cars, and IMHO often the drivers with great track records against the other top drivers in top cars can easily make a bad move and end up with lesser records in a hurry.

If you want to build shrines to drivers go ahead, but don't think I'm going to do the same.

And if you actually paid attention, I mention Alonso right after Lewis. The names mean nothing other than some press coverage if they aren't driving well. Their value to the top teams will have a lot more to do with their driving then it will with press coverage.

Quote Originally Posted by airshifter View Post
And if you do compare the drivers on the same team, often the "greatest" suddenly is proven to be "greatest" only when teamed with lesser drivers. The ones that are really on top fare just as well when put up against the best at the same team.

Quote Originally Posted by airshifter View Post
With any car superiority taken out of the picture, often they suddenly become much more equal, so fans of any particular driver tend to shy away from such comparison.

What is nonsensical is thinking that any driver on the grid is psychic.

Now I'm certain that you can easily tell us which other WDCs Lewis dominated in equal cars, since by your assertion that is always the case. We'll wait patiently for your attempts as misdirection or finding a way of considering small points margins complete domination of a driver. If that were the case, there might be others that think he is worth 10 times what he is paid as you have claimed in this thread. But being he is one of the highest paid in the sport, even then I doubt many people would join that thinking.

And they wouldn't think it if it were Fernando, Kimi, Jenson, Nico, or Max either, unless they somehow placed a favorite driver as ungodly talented above all drivers, even when the record showed otherwise.

As for the best teams only wanting the best drivers in their cars.... you might want to take a look at the history of who drove where. They often want ONE of the best in their cars, no doubt, but two hasn't happened a lot in recent years.