Sounds like the same old PR talk. "Ford is supporting us so much"...but 2/3 of our drivers pay for the drive, the last doesn't get a salary and we never even use all testdays.

All the talk whether Lappi or Mikkelsen is better choice becomes pointless if they keep going with similar setup as this year.

Again this year has shown it's hard to tell how good the current drivers really are when there is nobody to compare with.
Did Greensmith really improve from Croatia on or is it "just" the new engine? How good is Fourmaux? Wilson claims the car is podium fast (and therefore drivers are the problem). Last year there was Lappi for some comparison, this year there is nobody as Suninen is anything but stable.

I'd guess that one of the reasons nobody of the "top 4" signed with MSport is that they aren't really sure what level they are. (new car, new possibilities yes, but you still need technical skill level within the team, Louriaux leaving prbly didn't help).