Quote Originally Posted by NinjaMaster
This is why I'm no longer a massive Rossi fan (amongst some other reasons). The arrogance of so many of his supporters annoys me. Stoner or Pedrosa on their day are also untouchable. Yes he is probably still the best rider and his record is legendary but why should he still be unbeatable? Even Tiger Woods gets beaten, he is human.

What the hell does that have to do with anything? No one disputes Vales record, but the new guys coming through are making him work because they aren't intimidated by him and aren't buying his mind games.

The M1 last year was a fast bike, especially by seasons end, it was just unreliable.
And your assertion that Nicky just rolled around and won the title is garbage. He rode real hard and 10 podiums including 2 wins as well as 4 other top 5's is a bloody good year. There's no doubt he lacks that extra edge to win races consistently but to say that he just waited for Vale to crash or break down is insulting. Yes it will be his only title but he deserved it.
It's not a given that Rossi would be leading the title on a Ducati. He wouldn't have Jerry Burgess tuning for him and he would have a competitive teammate on the other side of the garage, a question mark we have never had to see him answer until hopefully next year if Lorenzo (please Jorge, do it!) joins Yamaha.
What is wrong with rossi fan`s ? I can`t speak for them just for myself and i don`t think he is arrogant he is not Michael Schumacher and he has a great personality and not a wanna be personality like Lorenzo. How you can say you can`t stand the arrogance of the rossi fan`s i don`t understand as you once was one, does`nt say much for you. and anyone who has a little knowledge about motocycles if you put Rossi, Stoner and Pedrosa on an exact bike you know who would come out 1st and that`s the doctor.
mokin: mokin: mokin: