Sad news indeed. Thanks for letting us know about his passing gadjo_dilo , and I'm sure that it has left a void for you. I'm glad that his family allowed you to let us know, and if you interact with them any further please pass on my sincere condolences.

I always felt that Steve was one of those guys that could just get along with anyone. He was always respectful of others, regardless of any differences in opinion and such. When he went into his "busy, busy" mode and was away from the forums the lack of his presence was noticed immediately and missed. I can only hope that whatever took him away did so without pain or suffering, and that he was at peace when he left this earth.

And similar to Bagwans comment, I consider quite a few people here real friends. I wish I had the ability to make a world tour to hang out and get to know you all better. And I wish for the best for all. If you are ever down and need an ear to vent, PM me.