Quote Originally Posted by OldF View Post
The only mistakes that can fairly be attributed to Meeke were in Monte Carlo and Portugal. In Sweden the car was undriveable, Argentina unpredictable, Corsica unreliable and in Sardinia the accident unexplainable![/I]

Mikkelsen, a man who has won three rallies and is considered one of the very best drivers in the world finished a country mile behind the winner. Eight minutes down on Tanak’s time with only minor issues speaks volumes. And I really don't buy this “I’m taking my time learning the car” line. Young Lappi, with only one rally at the top level and immeasurably less experience than Mikkelsen sets fastest times in six stages and blew the Cirtroens away. Mikkelsen was and still is a world class, rally winning driver - so explain that one with your stats![/I]
He twists a lots of stuff to push his point. I might agree or disagree with this point, but either way I dislike how he tells half-truths or even wrong info to get it across.

Argentina second off is totally Meeke's fault.
Sardinia "unexplainable".... I guess it was aliens then.

Mikkelsen lost 2 mins due to puncture, and some 30-50s due to diff failure and rwd only so which is 30+% of the 8 mins. "Only minor issues". Yes he was very slow everyone agrees that so why the need to twist this.

Lappi... sure he has much less experience than Mikkelsen overall. But Mikkelsen had 1 day with 300 km on different gravel as car experience. Lappi 1 rally and prbly thousands of kms since he has been testing it for at least 6 months. He did extremely well yes, but car experience is incomparable in his favor.

Also this:
Quote Originally Posted by Rally Power View Post
Interesting piece. It shows how current brit journos are so short seeing on Meeke’s driving approach. They’re helping him to fall off the cliff, not to avoid it.