Quote Originally Posted by pettersolberg29 View Post
Hoonigan Racing get the most money and support of any teams alongside Audi! Ford have invested a lot into Hoonigan and are getting rather fed up at the lack of results - Block has proven he can't compete at this level, and Bakkerud has already been named Crasherud by the Scandinavian press!
If anyone at Ford expected any different from Block then they should be fired. As for Bakkerud, he's a quick driver and, let's be honest, probably doesn't do that much more damage to cars than Solberg. But mainly if Ford consider Bakkerud to have had a poor 2016, in a new car, then they are possibly expecting too much. Especially as he took a significant points hit when the car failed at Mettet that would at least have seen him clinch 2nd in the championship.

I'm not close to the paddock but would be surprised if the net input from Ford is that much once you consider what they get from Block in return. In terms of exposure alone they are getting way more than VW or Peugeot get from their teams (over 21 million views on his Focus Gymkhana video, over 23 million on the previous one that he used the Fiesta for). Plus I'd be amazed if Hansen, PSRX or even Ekstrom are putting up the kind of money that Hoonigan is.