Sweet mother of Jesus, these ‘Citroen sucks’ fever it’s totally nuts! I really can’t get why so many rally fans are always eager to condemn some of the sport best teams and drivers. Didn’t the mega critic’s learn anything from the pre season demoralizing campaign on Toyota? Let Citroen guys do their job, eventually they’ll fix the issues and fight for victories, hopefully already in Mexico.

Btw, people also tend to forget that unlike the manu teams, MSport has to make as many cars as they can, once their main funding comes from private sells. Yep, they’ve done a fantastic job making the double of new cars than the others, but don’t they have extra manpower for it? Besides, if we see it properly, MSport WRC team it’s a 2 cars team like Toyota or Citroen; Evans is only there because a private partner, DMack, is paying for it.