So, another 5th place, despite some problems witrh tyres. I think they can be a bit positive as well. We have Poland, Finland, GB and Australia as pure gravel rallies and Spain as one day on gravel (in autumn). If we look at the perfomance of the tyres then we can see that early morning when the temperature was lower, Ott won a stage and there were much smaller problems with tyres, so, I expect that it was the hardest rally for them (the most abrasive roads, slow speeds, many corners, easy to overheat tyres). Polan is soft, sandy, fast and most likely, the weather is not too hot, moreover, faster speed cools tyres better.
Finland is on harder roads but temperature is likely to be quite low, same to GB and Australia where they have early spring on that time. Spain will be also in autumn and most probably, less problem with tyre wear. Lets see what they can do with tarmac tyres. They have now two days test in Italy and the Ypres rally