Quote Originally Posted by sollitt View Post
There is no question that the Chinese new car market is expanding rapidly. The questions are ... Will the Chinese buy European cars? ... and ... will they take sufficient interest in a motorsport event to notice the brands and to be swayed in their buying decisions?
The answers, in my view, are ... no they won't ... and ... no they won't.
This of course, is the country that in recent weeks has seen several large chemical explosions, one decimating an entire port town and killing hundreds, and a lady sucked into an escalator to her death in a swanky Shanghei shopping centre. Health and safety is not a high priority in this place.
Quote Originally Posted by sollitt View Post
There is no question that the Chinese new car market is expanding rapidly. The questions are ... Will the Chinese buy European cars? ... and ... will they take sufficient interest in a motorsport event to notice the brands and to be swayed in their buying decisions?
The answers, in my view, are ... no they won't ... and ... no they won't.
This of course, is the country that in recent weeks has seen several large chemical explosions, one decimating an entire port town and killing hundreds, and a lady sucked into an escalator to her death in a swanky Shanghei shopping centre. Health and safety is not a high priority in this place.
Can you please argument why 2 billions of people in a state with an economic growth of +10% are not interested in buy new cars?
And by the way, a round in WRC is not made only for selling cars in that nation but for several other reasons. China is very different from 80s or 90s, they are not dumb people with a strange language and very good in karate and in rice harvest. It is better, and fair, if we take them into account.