With a ban on passing info about clutch settings for the start about to commence , how will it all work out for the various drivers and teams ?
Merc , I suppose , having had a few howler starts , must be sweating the most .
They seem to have a package that can't be handled in a wake , so they have to get off the line well .

I'm wondering if we'll hear any coded messages in the warm-up lap , as they haven't had to do this themselves for a very long time .

This could be great to see , but they will have to be extremely careful about those starts .

I'm pretty happy with this change , and hopefully the drivers are as well .

Mind you , if an extra warm-up lap ends up costing you the race even with the team's help , you gotta figure the drivers may sweat a little more as they approach the start .

I would think that some clever engineering solutions are being worked on as I write this .