Quote Originally Posted by Brown, Jon Brow
My answer about the burning house explains that I think that view is strange (maybe stupid :\ )
But most often we have the choice and never face an either/or situation.

For example, I hate lamping and would shoot at (above their heads, obviously) men who set their dogs on my cat. I wouldn't shoot at their dogs.
I'd tell a fur wearer what I think of them in no uncertain terms, and actually have done. It was fun :

If you want to decide if human or animal rights would win ask yourselves this question. Would you like to see captive Indian tigers released back into the wild? If you're Indian, would you like to see captive European wolves released back into Scotland? Most people answer yes straight away, without even considering that tigers eat humans

With animals there is always emotion. Misplaced half the time, but emotion as strong as it gets. It makes for stupid idealistic visions of a happier, friendly animal kingdom that cannot exist. I stupidly thought we could keep foxes off our land, but there they are using my arena as a toilet every night, giving my dogs fleas and taking all the cat's food. But they're so cute