Looking at the last poll results (19 Mar 2015) we get the following:

Labour 34%
Conservative 33%
UKIP 14%
Liberal Democrats 8%

If I then plug those numbers into my handy swing calculator (which you really do not want to see) I get:
Labour 349 seats
Con 249 seats
Lib Dem 23 seats
Others 29 seats,

Labour would be 23 seats above the required 326 to form government; so Ed Miliband would be the next PM.
The Lib Dems are facing their worst result since 1992 in terms of seats and their worst result in terms of popular vote since the 1935 election if the Liberal Party is taken as their ancestor.

The race that I want to see is South Thanet, which has Nigel Farage, Al Murray the Pub Landlord and Bez from the Happy Mondays running. That sounds like a total farce.