I've been checking the video of Bernie's presentation this morning (you can see a short excerpt here: http://www.as.com/videos/?xref=20070...1.Ves&pagina=1), and I realized they are using two different layouts for the track.

First one is the one posted on previous links (and the one I marked over the Google Maps photo), wich appears on this video on red. I think this is probably the first idea.

Then there's a second layout, corresponding to some scenes at the end of the video, it looks like this is a more actual layout, and it looks also that this is exacty the one appearing on the logo.

I tooked this image (fro the logo) and I put it over the map, and I found out some parts appeared on the video as this second layout. It is different than the first one, but much more adequate for a track (more turns) and for Bernie's desires (track over the Marina).

You can see it here:
