I might try and get to this if it happens!...


Valencia F1 deal for 2008 signed
A second Spanish Grand Prix on the cards
09/05/07 17:27

A definitive deal for a new Formula One street race in the Spanish city of Valencia has now finally been signed.

That was the claim on Wednesday of the private radio network Cope, which said Bernie Ecclestone's circus would race at a second Spanish venue next year.

It is suggested that the existence of the contract could be announced by Ecclestone at Barcelona as early as during a press conference on Thursday.

The descriptor 'European Grand Prix' is tipped to be used, as it will be free because of the rotation of F1's two German venues.

Next year's Hockenheim event, following the race at the Nurburgring in 2007, will instead be called the German Grand Prix.

Meanwhile there is no further news on the proposed Grand Prix in Singapore which made headlines on numerous occasions last month.

Source GMM