Quote Originally Posted by janvanvurpa View Post
Kiitos Gamle Finne..you know I manufacture suspension mainly gravel but in America every boy under 30 has compulive disorder which makes the feel they have to lower their car 100-120mm so their car is like this, so I have made things like that to correct the position of lower arm when using short strut.

Very hard to deal with silly boys who have mental disorders. Facts don't help, reasoning, drawings, nothing helps..

Sometimes to help understand I use teacher's aids like this:
First you point out the components or idea:

Then you impress on them how important the idea is...

with rally boys it usually takes a couple of times: (especially when they are "injur-near" and their name was originally "Håkansson" before it became "Hawkinson" and then I ''döpte om dom'' to Hoikansainalainen ---all rally drivers must have a Finnish name to channel to spirit)

That's me doing the technical instruction....over here i"m one of the "Old FARTs" (Flemish-American Rally Team)
Is that the motivational method or ”banging the information into the head ” method?