Quote Originally Posted by Co-FIN View Post
You are always trying to end the conversation by making fool of others. Instead you are making fool by yourself..

Normally i'd some how agree that it's about the car, BUT. JML has grown a big time mentally in short while and you can see it from interviews etc. He has always been very quick but so fragile. Now it seems that he has finally found some inner peace (balls). I hope it last but in this mode that he's in now he is very good.

I think you have some issues admitting that you can be wrong some times.. And no Mr. Spock cant help you with it

Beam me up!
What's the problem with you guys, N.O.T. is just saying that VW is the fastest car, without saying JML is slow, he clearly isn't. Just as clearly, that VW is the car to have, and team to drive for.