Well just when I thought things could NOT get any dumber, hot off the press from the mouth of NS himself:

"Someone gave away the designs but it wasn't me. Someone set me up and that person is still within Ferrari," Nigel Stepney said in an interview in Tuesday's editions of Italian daily La Repubblica.*************************************** *****

A mysterious white powder was found on the gas tanks of Ferrari's cars on May 21, six days before the Monaco race, and traces of the powder have reportedly been found in a pair of Stepney's trousers. "I didn't put it there," Stepney told La Repubblica. "They put the powder in my pants pocket while I was taking a shower."

Or so it says in the article----That is the best he has got to say....????....

The article says he has a new job outside F1.

My guess, based on this story, is that he will be ghost writing the next Harry Potter book.......to be called "Harry and the Croaking Toad" or maybe a simple auto-bio to be called "Two Too Stupid Designers" who go to Russia to spy on Putin and sell nuke secrets to Iran but get caught at a local copy shop when they run out of money while copying top secret stuff and start asking folks for spare change so they could protect national security.......

but at trial they get off when the jury believes that someone set them up , and the 704 page manual of top secret stuff was put there, in his pocket, while he was taking a shower, never noticing it until after he was arrested....

Of course someone might ask as to why he was wearing his pants while he was takin a shower.....to which he replies, that he did not not want to be caught with his pants down and look like a real dumb liar...while in the background Mikie boy starts singing "hey brother, can you spare a dime"