Quote Originally Posted by deephouse View Post
Yesterday I watched that movie, Race for glory. It was awesome. And you were wrong. I don't care about not being professionaly enough, the concept, story, drama, insight, cast, setup and effects was truly amazing. I recommend for everyone to see that. People need that. Fans need that. If other sports do have movies, now we have one too. I really enjoy it.
Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth View Post
It's nowhere because it's a low budget Italian production, not because it's a bad film.

It's a pretty good film, not Ford vs Ferrari or Rush level, but it's still better than I expected. Unfortunately, it looks to me like it's too much dramatized for rally fans, but also it don't introduce the characters, championship and even rally itself for non-rally fans.
As it's off topic to this thread, I'll keep it short.

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the movie but I stick to my opinion.

Low budget doesn't make a film bad. Storytelling is where the biggest difference comes from. And it being nowhere is down to the simple logic of distribution - you distribute content that has potential to earn you profit.