Quote Originally Posted by Kradovech View Post
I was meaning to create this thread, just did not get around to it. Firstly, yes, I am willing to keep up my end for the upcoming year as well.

But before we go ahead with it on full steam, lets quickly discuss if there is a better way to do it. I don't have a solid answer myself, yet. What I was unhappy about last year was the amount of mistakes that were discovered, it means that some mistakes probably were not found. I did manually check the top 10 each time, so the crown belongs to rew without a doubt. But there may have been some misawarded points in the lower ranks. The root of all mistakes was the manual insertion of predictions.

I took part in 2 other "third-party" prediction websites last year, mainly for testing purposes. Both of them were also advertised on these forums as well. Although both were good, in my opinion they do not quite correspond to the needs of this community.

A more serious candidate is the system ERC pickems is using on this forum, pantealex mentioned it in the last years pickems thread. At first glance it seems like a perfect way of doing it since it removes the data insertion problems. To my ignorant eyes it seems like it would also need less time for managing. I would be willing to give it a go if PLuto is willing to share his secrets and help set it up here. I think I can manage it, I mean, how hard can it be, right? (Famous last words)
I'm totally with you. If there is an "automated" system available on this forum, then it will save time and reduce the number of mistakes due to human factor...