If anybody is interested in competing against others in rally predictions there is a great site for this:

You have to drag and drop your predicted top10 pilots. For each correct hit you get points. And the points are given as follows:

If you get the rally winner correct, you get 10 points.
For the second place hit correctly, you get 9 points.
Third -> 8
4 -> 7
5 -> 6
6 -> 5
7 -> 4
8 -> 3
9 -> 2
10 -> 1
And for each pilot you put in your top 10 that actually made it to top 10 you get 1 extra point. It doesn't matter if their position is exactly correct.

And when the rally is finished the points are calculated automatically. You can see how you or your friend did by clicking on their name or the rally score. Correct hits are displayed in green.

Hope to see you guys around and make 2019 a fun season!

PS. Could be that at the end of the season the winner will get an award!