Amongst the goings on of Saturday evening, and a few rounds of The Simpson's Cluedo, I saw a snippet of a programme on ITV about certain animals that risk becoming extinct. Maybe it was called Extinct but the programme itself is not really what I'm posting about.

The bit that I saw involved that blond-haired woman, who is famous for wagging her rear in front of the camera as she ran with a television crew in hot pursuit. Anyway, enough about Anika Rice as she is not what I'm posting about either.

What I would like to know is how on Earth is chasing, traumatising, darting and mucking about with Polar Bears going to help them? Why must humans feel the need to "manage" and control everything? Can not a single wild Polar Bear, or any other wild animal, be allowed to go about life without humans darting them, pulling them about, and putting irritating tags or collars on them?