Well I thought I'd resurrect this thread from the old days seeing as it is that time of year when the rallying annuals start to hit the shelves.

Picked up my copy of the Epynt book at the weekend and I have to say it is one occassion when you can believe the hype! Even if you arnt a British rally fan and only know the Epynt ranges for thier use on the Rally GB then you will still love this book. The photos are in the main stunning and the images are linked to the text with anecdotes and wild stories from the likes of Ari Vatenen, Nicky Grist,Rusell Brookes and many more. I can highly recommend putting this on your Xmas list!


Regarding the usual annuals etc. I was speaking to Maurice Selden at the weekend and World Rallying is at the printers as we speak. Am sure that this book which is always the first on my list will be up to the usual high standards!