I've been meaning to ask this for years really!

I don't know if many of you know this, but there is a small road (just a close really) off City Road in Tilehurst, Reading, named after Ayrton Senna. It's about 4-5 roads from where I recently lived. Sadly the sign itself is often obscured by much overgrowth but it's there.

Legend has it that this was the place he lived when he was doing the junior formulae. Now I want to find out from some of you knowledgeable peeps if this road is the actual road where Senna and Mauricio Gugelmin lived? Always wanted to know. Answers below please.

(how the heck do you post icons on this old-fangled thing?)

(and why does my keyboard keep reverting to Spanish? I just can't get a break with a keyboard)