Hi everyone. I am out on a mission to try and trace some information on a mysterious Mitsubishi Evo 6 rally car that has been imported into New Zealand from Japan.

It is up for sale currently, and my friend has driven it. Appears factory built (it's not a garage build that's for sure) and contains some real get up and go. What I am trying to work out is whether this could have been the Mitsubishi team's Recce car for a season, and then purchased by a collector minus a few things like seats etc...

Motec data shows the last time it was properly driven was in SanRemo in 1999, which is what leads me to think it could be a recce car.

I thought this would be the place to ask. Any information would be very much appreciated, or if anyone here knows who to ask...

This is the car: http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used...-675482936.htm
