I'm surprised that no one has mentioned anything about this, as it is was released on or around the 22 of September. Australian V8 Surpercars will not return to Austin in 2014. Too full of a race schedule, at COTA and in the U.S. as well, appears to be the reason. They hope to return to COTA in 2015. This concerns me, because, if there is no room on the schedule next year, why would they think that the same situation would not exist in the years afterward? I hope the U.S. has not lost this series for good. Here is the part of the article, taken from the V8SC website, concerning the U.S. race not returning:

"...V8 Supercars will delay a return to Texas until 2015 because of a clash of dates with the recently signed X Games and the composition of the V8 Supercar and COTA calendars.
“The timing of COTA securing the X Games next year led to the mutual agreement of a gap-year before consolidating, planning and returning to Texas in 2015,” Warburton said.
“The first Austin 400 was an enormous success at all levels and a tremendous platform to build into the future; in conjunction with developing an extensive international strategy for 2015 and beyond.
“The prospects are virtually limitless; there is that much potential in the sport.”
COTA President Steve Sexton said he was looking forward to V8 Supercars' return in 2015 after a highly successful North American debut in May.
“Circuit of The Americas is quickly becoming a year-round destination for a variety of large-scale sports and entertainment properties, and with our packed schedule, we were not able to find mutually workable dates to facilitate a return of V8 Supercars to Austin in 2014,” Circuit Chief Executive Officer Steve Sexton said.
"V8 Supercars continues to be one of the most exciting shows in world motorsports. We know our US and international fans really enjoyed the Austin 400 event this year, and we are very excited to have V8 Supercars return to the United States in 2015."
V8 Supercars has had preliminary discussions with several venues in the US with a view to ‘twinning’ the Austin 400 in the future."