Quote Originally Posted by steveaki13
Quote Originally Posted by Rollo
This might be a "ha ha ha lol" thread but really, the same thin could be said for Europeans trying to label US states.
http://www.buzzfeed.com/robinedds/its-t ... he-us-stat
Surely the same would be trying to name Country's in North, Central & Caribbean America?

States of the US are just like trying to name the states of Germany or County's of the UK. Why do people equate the USA to a continent?

I can name all countries in Europe on a map. I can name almost all countries in the "Americas" on a Map and Asia, Africa and Oceania, however I have no clue on states of the US because that's internal geography of a Country.

Its a different type of geography.
You don't know a lot about the States Steve. Alaska is like a different country than Oklahoma. Maine and Louisiana have very little in common. West Virginia is a different world than Hawaii, and how many counties in GB is there the size of California?
You make some valid points about geography in general, but States are very meaningful in this country, and this thread started out about how many Americans can't tell which states are which, and that is a shame.

States of the US are just like trying to name the states of Germany or County's of the UK
There are well less than 100 counties in the UK, the US has roughly 3,150.

FYI San Diego County is 4/5 the size of Northern Ireland

It certainly is a different type of geography