GERARD DAREL handbag has as many European and American actress street the must-have items, from Brazil supermodel Alexander? Ambrosio now also joined the GERARD DAREL fans. supermodel Alexander? Ambrosio talent showing itself in a beautiful South African trials, began her modeling career. Not long after, a born beauty Alexander? Ambrosio quickly became favored by designers in the eyes of the model. In a Vitoria after the secret masters Angel more people remember the beauty. Not long ago, her birthday with GERARD DAREL orange Melbourne leather handbag out of the street, with a simple white sweater and pants. Bright orange has become the other bright spot, give a person a kind of beautiful and elegant feeling. GERARD DAREL from the angel of love, also hope to have more fashionable women feel GERARD DAREL French fashion. Gerard Darel orange Melbourne leather bag (Editor: high bright)