I have been following NASCAR for 42 yrs. It is insulting to call it "racing" when the fastest cars have to pit with 5 or 6 laps to and some STROKER comes for 6th to win. HOW is that a race? Is it now wrong to soundly thrash the compitition by being FAST and LEGAL? Years ago fans wre CRYING about yellow flag finishes, how about the unfastest guy winning? Give'em back their 22 gal. fuel cells and let'em RACE!!! I don't give a rat's a** what car it is if he's leading with 5 to go and 2nd isn't gaining, you should win. Leading with 2 laps to go? 2nd is .5 sec. behind ? Yellow comes out, you win , too bad he (2nd) couldn't have caught you sooner. NASCAR, really needs to look at these finishes. When the top 3 or so cars run out of fuel on a G-W-C, was it a race?? Come on!! Put the race for the win BACK in the hands of the driver and car, NOT the calculator!!