how to train a bodybuilding abdominal abdomen in the body of the most central insanity, is particularly vulnerable to dramatic parts. From the human body bodybuilding perspective, really fit and abdomen should be fine waist and the obvious lines the abdominal muscles constitute. So, please do not ignore abdominal fitness exercise. A sideways bending over the movement upright. Legs apart, arms around flat on the upper body flexion, with his left hand to reach for the right foot, right arm naturally on the move, legs and arms do not bend, inhale, and then restore the breath. And back direction, repeat, do not even 8 times. Second insanity, the bent knees sport supine insanity dvd. Arms around flat against the ground, legs straight and knees at the same time after lift, inhale the thighs close to the abdomen, then exhale slowly restored. Repeat 8 times. Leg raise abdomen exercise lower abdominal muscles insanity new workout with. Upper body supine, legs straight and raise as much as possible, and then slow down. Done this exercise with your knees bent to continue to do the same action. Repeat 8 times. Sitting flexor tuck supine position to exercise the muscles of the lower abdomen. Legs straight, upper body backwards to keep the body balanced, then knees, abdomen, abdominal extreme fold flexor. Exercise, feet still can not touch the surface of the ground or bed. V. Rotation flexion and extension legs, mimicking the motion of riding a bike, the action is faster and flexible, flexion and extension of the scope to be as large as possible. Lasted 20 to 30 seconds. VI wriggled a hand grip or pull weight of heavy objects, wriggled and turned to practice for a variety of positions, in order to exercise the external oblique and lower back muscles. Above sports, everyone can choose according to their own circumstances, each exercise and physical condition by ascending gradually increase daily 2 times. How to quickly train a sexy wave of abdominal exercise more and more popular, but it must be in the gym to train the abdominal muscles do? The answer is: no. Of course, professional gym can be trained Perfect abs, but none can be trained in the gym beautiful abs. This time we will introduce you to some action, so you at home can also be abdominal training; And we also divided into three class actions: elementary, middle, and Advanced. So that you can have a different choice insanity. Not yet been introduced, the coach first remind you of some important things and concepts: 1. Before exercise must take a few minutes to warm up. Do not be impatient, muscle training, the action more slowly indeed, the effect is more obvious, and the action is indeed effective than rush to finish. People with more body fat must do first cardio exercise, such as jogging insanity, swimming, cycling. Four to five times each to do cardio exercise, and to do cardiopulmonary exercise time must be 40 minutes or more. If you do resistance training alone is useless, because your trained muscles fat to cover. 4 more body fat after the 21:00 Do not eat as much as possible. Food intake, as little as little starchy foods such as rice, pasta, bread ... etc., instead of lean meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruit sweet less. 6. Forced expiratory movement, inhale the contrary. 7 do abdominal and lower back muscles antagonistic muscles, lower back problems must go to the doctor, do abdominal exercises must live within its means, lower back discomfort should stop. It is important: perseverance + Stamina + perseverance ready? Each *** Gym Practice Report 4 Fashion fitness Taiji also cool hot