From the outside, this looks like the most boring and dull presidential race I've ever seen. Romney's campaign is "I'm not Obama" and Obama's campaign is "I'm not Romney". Neither side has outlined any real vision for where they'd put America in four years time and a lot of the adverts just seem to be adding to the already toxic politic mix that is already alienating voters.

PBS has a handy calculator to tell you where the Electoral College votes go, so you can have a play with it.

I plugged in a stack of figures, too averages and came up with this:

Basically it's pretty well much the same as 2008 except that I think that California will vote Republican in protest against their Democrat state government, and that with the impending apathy of the Latino vote in Florida, that that state will flip to red.

Currently I predict a Romney 275 - Obama 263 win.