So correct me if I'm wrong:

Chevy team(s) are miffed that Honda was allowed to develop a better turbo (after they went in with an inferior set-up, I assume)? I can kind of see that might be a valid complaint. Why can't Chevrolet do more development? Indycar should at least give them something. Of course there shouldn't be a tech war so soon, but give Chevy teams a little something to pacify them. Like children need to be.

Getting rid of Randy would NOT be an acceptable move. Chevy teams feel slighted so they scream and cry like children? I kind of get the feeling that team owners - all team owners - get to their position in life by being fussy. Never give a quarter BUT expect one in return.

I swear, don't they even care that they make themselves and their teams look pathetic for being so childish? Will they think that race fans can look at a Chevy logo and not think of this situation that they are trying to create?