Whilst picking up our coats, cushions etc at Rockingham yesterday, 18/09/2011, I commented to my wife that I really don't care who wins the championship this year.

BTCC, in my opinion, has degraded into childish bickering amongst drivers, childish and dangerous driving tactics, rule changes here, there and everywhere just to appease whoever is whinging the loudest at the time.

I have followed the sport since the 1980's, I introduced my wife to it in the '90's and we have both been fans since. I'm not speaking for her, she has her own opinions which she is entitled and she's big enough and intelligent enough to form those opinions.

However, I shall have to look long and hard at the series before next season to make an informed opinion as to whether or not I wish to following this kind of behaviour from so called adults. It never used to be like this, only in the last few years when differing teams have pushed boundaries of the rules.

Lets go back to the days of all normally asperated cars, no diesels, no gas powered cars. All conforming to one strict specification, then it comes down to driver/engineer skill regarding set-up and driver skill on the track.

I think, at this moment in time that the best racing has to come from the Historic Sports Car Club meets.

I'd welcome other peoples views on this.
