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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Bachmann v perry-which one to beat obama?

    since I seriously doubt that Obama will NOT be the Demo candidate, the question is who will end up being the Republican candidate and can he/she/it beat Obama.

    And in the leftist corner, standing where ever, for the demos:

    (1) Obama:

    He was stronger than many first realized, because notwithstanding his very liberal personna, because people forget the comments about him about how he wiggled his way into the Harvard Law Review Editor in Chief job while at law school.

    They also forgot about his contacts with Wall Street, that saw him bring in contributions of ten to 15 times (and actually many say probably much higher) than McCain got from Wall Street.

    McCain wanted a return to the effective laws and regulations that kept the financial system far more stable and less likey to go into the tank when times were bad--stuff adopted after lessons learned from the great depression, but far less profitable; in the late 1990's, we got those repealed, as part of the deal lead to all this "affordable housing for everyone" along with the mortgage meltdown, credit crunches, bailouts, et al.

    Fuss about the national health insurance deal, all you tea sippers want to fuss, but Wall Street has never really opposed it, and the health insurance companies WANTED IT--yes, THEY WANTED IT!!!!

    His best point: He has an excellent TV personality, and has maintained it during his time in office. (At times, Bush would have it, then lose it, often acting like the proverbial deer in the headlights-Obama does not have that problem)

    (2) Other Demo candidates??? hello, anybody out there? Beuller, where are you?

    Republicans, standing the right corner........ (including the tea partiers)

    (1) Sarah Palin

    Excellent TV personna......and her other qualities are excellent TV personna and excellent TV personna........

    Scares the snoot out of Demos, because they see excellent TV personality. But like a dog in heat chasing a car, what is she gonna do with it, if she actually catches it????duhhhhh

    (2) Bachmann---probably overall a better candidate than Palin......seems to be smarter

    but she got her problems, one of which is she has this belief about blacks being better off before 1860 when they were slaves........sooner or later, that will come back on her

    then there is the overall negativity and rage that seems to leak out.

    (3) Rick Perry

    Many years ago, I was around him several times at various functions. While not on stage, he seemed to have the personality of a chair, but as soon as it got time to speak in the spotlight, he would get this glow and energy where he lit up like a christmas tree.

    reminded me of stories about Elvis Presley, where people would be with him, hanging out or whatever...and they would not be impressed, but when he was on the stage, in his zone, there was this incredible magnetic energy around him.....that was very preceptable

    Intelligence--Not that high, a true talking head.

    Past record: comes from a state which has not been hurt that much by the economic problems as elsewhere, unemeployment not a problem and so on.

    TV personality--Likely to be excellent and probably better than Obama. went through many major scandals with them all rolling off him like water off a duck.

    willingness to sell out-----probably much higher than Obama. As governor, busy selling major toll roads in texas to a Spanish company......and was going to require a controversial vaccination for Texas girls in order for them to be able to attend public schools, as a result of some "inside deals".....

    Bob Schuman, a former campaign consultant for former Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas), Perry's political mentor. Schuman’s consulting firm has also represented the pharmaceutical company Merck, which was represented in Texas by Toomey. Toomey’s lobbying for Merck became a scandal in Texas after Perry mandated that all schoolgirls receive a vaccination against HPV -- a vaccination that was made by Merck. The ensuing controversy led the state legislature to override the governor and block the mandate. Schuman's effort has so far been underwritten by a large contribution from Texas billionaire Harold Simmons, a major Perry donor who has used his political clout to gain support from Perry’s administration to bury nuclear waste in western Texas.
    Rick Perry Super PACs Raise Issues of Coordination, Collusion

    as pointed out by democrats:
    Burnt Orange Report: Rick Perry's Top Ten State Agency Scandals: His Decade of Failure

    HOUSTON -- Bill White called for an immediate state and federal investigation, and one of the nation's preeminent criminal defense lawyers weighed in today as Rick Perry stonewalls questions about the public corruption scandal.
    Perry handed out $16 million in taxpayer dollars from a high tech fund to companies tied to his top political contributors.
    "This is the kind of thing a Public Integrity Unit ought to investigate. If the fundraisers promised or suggested that grants would go to political donors and then that happened, that's criminal, plain and simple," said Dick DeGuerin.
    DeGuerin has defended Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Representative Tom DeLay and was recently named one of the 25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century.
    "Perry's had 48 hours. He's stonewalling simple questions and refusing to release documents revealing the investors in companies getting taxpayer dollars. The Travis County DA and the Department of Justice should investigate," said White.
    Will Perry explain what investments his family had in companies associated with his donors, companies benefiting from taxpayer subsidies?" asked White, continuing a series of Rick Perry's Unanswered Questions with #9.
    White's call for an investigation comes after explosive reports in the Dallas Morning News showed $16 million in taxpayer handouts to companies tied to Perry's major campaign donors, including one very cozy relationship that yielded $6.5 million in benefits for a single contributor.
    The reports have raised serious ethical and conflict of interest questions about Perry and his staff. Since the news broke, the governor's office has been on lockdown in an effort to keep the scandal from damaging Perry's campaign. A fact sheet summarizing the reports of the Dallas Morning News is available at:
    as none of the above, has slowed him down at all, may be the toughest candidate for obama to beat, especially since he proably will not have McCain's problems of having a few principles not for sale that hurt mc cain when it came to getting wall street money......

    (4) rommney.....

    well Iowa seemed to have hurt more than helped.....
    Only the dead know the end of war. Plato:beer:

  2. #2
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    No one is going to beat Obama.

    The Republicans just don't have (what I would deem) a worthwhile candidate.

    But give me a Kucinich any time.

    Again, my humble opinion.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Gregor-y's Avatar
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    I'd say the President is weaker than anyone realized, at least the majority of people that voted for him. I'm not sure how his time at the Law Review comes into this, particularly when it's presented with all the winks and nods of a conspiracy theory but with absolutely nothing to go by unless you were dumb enough to buy into the 'dangerous socialist' and 'gun confiscation' scares of 2008 and 9 and just accept anything negative as truth.

    And there was nothing McCain said about restoring all the rules his party gutted. He wanted to suspend the campaign because he knew he was getting trounced badly, mainly because of his choice for a running mate. If you look at the voting record in the Senate for the repeal of Galss-Stegal, of all Republicans only one voted No, another voted 'Present' and MaCain is listed as 'not voting.' Since 'Present' indicates the person was there but chose not to vote, it shows McCain didn't even bother to show up. Anyone who watched McCain during and after the election and thinks thinks has any principles left is seriously deluding themselves. 2000 was a long time ago, and McCain sold out in much bigger ways than any insinuation about Obama from 1991.

    I can think of plenty of things I don't like about the President's performance these last two years; focus on the real ones rather than these fantastic sensations. Berlusconi would be a better president than any Republican I can think of other than maybe Hunstman, and since he was until recently our Ambassador to China (appointed by the current President) he has as much chance as a snowball in Hades.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Rollo's Avatar
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    Actually I think in all honesty the eventual Republican candidate will either be Mitt Romney or Ron Paul...

    Since the whole presidential campaign is such a circus, I'm looking forward to campaign adverts and statements by self-proclaimed karate expert Jimmy McMillan.
    The Old Republic was a stupidly run organisation which deserved to be taken over. All Hail Palpatine!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rollo
    Actually I think in all honesty the eventual Republican candidate will either be Mitt Romney or Ron Paul...
    I'm not a Republican (nor a Democrat), but I really hope that Ron Paul wins the GOP nomination. If he does, I would vote for him over Obama or any other Indepedent/Third Party candidate... Actually, if he wins the GOP nomination, I wouldn't be suprised if the Libertarian Party and Constitution Party opt to not nominate their own candidates in order to swing voters over to Ron Paul. I also wouldn't be suprised if progressives like Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader throw some support over to Paul.

    I think the United States really needs someone who wants to limit the role of the federal government, reinstate the constitution, and use a non-interventionist foreign policy; all of which are things that most Republicans and Democrats have shown to not want to do. The U.S. could also someone to challenge the policies and practices of the Federal Reserve System. Also, the U.S. could sure use a candidate who has received more than 95% of his campaign contributions from individuals rather than businesses/corporations (Ron Paul: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Representative 2006/ | OpenSecrets).

    Unfortunately, it seems the media has already decided for Republican voters that Romney, Bachmann, or Perry will win that party's nomination to take on Obama. However, I'm a little happy to see (judging by straw poll results and the amount of applause Paul receives at the debates) that Ron Paul has a lot more support for Republican voters than the MSM likes to think he has, so I'm cautiously optimistic that he can win the nomination.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gregor-y
    I'd say the President is weaker than anyone realized, at least the majority of people that voted for him. I'm not sure how his time at the Law Review comes into this, particularly when it's presented with all the winks and nods of a conspiracy theory but with absolutely nothing to go by unless you were dumb enough to buy into the 'dangerous socialist' and 'gun confiscation' scares of 2008 and 9 and just accept anything negative as truth.

    And there was nothing McCain said about restoring all the rules his party gutted. He wanted to suspend the campaign because he knew he was getting trounced badly, mainly because of his choice for a running mate. If you look at the voting record in the Senate for the repeal of Galss-Stegal, of all Republicans only one voted No, another voted 'Present' and MaCain is listed as 'not voting.' Since 'Present' indicates the person was there but chose not to vote, it shows McCain didn't even bother to show up. Anyone who watched McCain during and after the election and thinks thinks has any principles left is seriously deluding themselves. 2000 was a long time ago, and McCain sold out in much bigger ways than any insinuation about Obama from 1991.

    I can think of plenty of things I don't like about the President's performance these last two years; focus on the real ones rather than these fantastic sensations. Berlusconi would be a better president than any Republican I can think of other than maybe Hunstman, and since he was until recently our Ambassador to China (appointed by the current President) he has as much chance as a snowball in Hades.
    go back to sleep.

    McCain voted yes in 1999 (not in 1991), U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

    at the personal urging of Phil Graham, and others such as Alan Greenspan.................despite expressing his own doubts. Within a short period, he had second thoughts and began seeking to reverse the damage, with very very little success, even after the meltdown.

    Chicago, the dirty, filthy city of the bought vote and corrupt politics.
    Only the dead know the end of war. Plato:beer:

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rollo
    Actually I think in all honesty the eventual Republican candidate will either be Mitt Romney or Ron Paul...

    Since the whole presidential campaign is such a circus, I'm looking forward to campaign adverts and statements by self-proclaimed karate expert Jimmy McMillan.
    unlike in british politics, where the people are really not to be trusted, and are not permitted a direct vote in who runs their country.

    Ron Paul is someone different, and is actually someone with whom I agree with somewhat on the economy, but he has little TV personality, and his probably fatal problem: fat cats on Wall Street do not like him, so i doubt it he will be a "serious candidate"

    So good for his individual contributions, but that is a drop in the bucket for what he needs. And then there is the unpaid advertizing that a Perry is currently getting from the news media.

    Speaking of Perry, today he said, he will beat Obama, because unlike Obama, he will not be selling this country to foreign debtors. And the audience was cheering wildly!!

    hahaha, he seems to forget how he has been selling all the major roads in Texas to this particular Spanish company, who has put up toll booths on the roads, (very expensive in Dallas sometimes like a dollar plus, every one to two miles) after the taxpayers paid for building the roads

    And while he is a well known "gay basher" and signer of family rights, "no gay marriage" bills and so forth..........well, there has been this persistent little rumor that he likes to take an occaisional walk on the wild side......but I do not if just rumor or if true.....
    Only the dead know the end of war. Plato:beer:

  8. #8
    Senior Member Rollo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markabilly
    unlike in british politics, where the people are really not to be trusted, and are not permitted a direct vote in who runs their country.
    They get a far bigger say than they do in America.

    Cabinet is the Executive of the country in a Westminster Parliament. Since the Cabinet is formed from Elected members of parliament, every single one of them has been at very least voted in by their local constituency.

    Not only is the Cabinet NOT elected in the United States at all but you don't actually vote for the President either. You submit votes for the Electoral College who then vote for the President.
    The Old Republic was a stupidly run organisation which deserved to be taken over. All Hail Palpatine!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by markabilly
    have the personality of a chair
    What's wrong with that if it's a nice chair and has character?

    Maybe Republicans will have a Trump card. Roasty would like that.
    I could really use a fish right now

  10. #10
    Senior Member Jag_Warrior's Avatar
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    I believe the GOP nominee will either be Mitt Romney (still the fave with big business backing) or Rick Perry (will have the backing of the Evangelical Bible thumpers, neo-cons and the Tea Party types). The only one who I think can beat Obama in a general election is Romney. But something tells me that the GOP will bend to the desires of the radical right, so there's a good chance that Perry might win it.

    Bachmann is a (lunatic) fringe candidate. She has no chance of winning the nomination, IMO. Ron Paul is probably the most intellectually honest candidate the GOP could possibly have. But the current GOP is not embracing intellect or honesty these days, so I don't think he has a chance either.

    Assuming Romney takes it from Perry, here's one problem I see Romney having: in order to beat Perry in the GOP primaries, Romney is going to have to articulate a LOT of extreme right wing positions. But the U.S. is not an extreme right wing country. It's a center-right country. So to beat Perry, Romney is going to give Obama and the Dems a big bat to smack him in the head with during the general election.

    But let's say somehow, some way, Michele Bachmann wins the GOP nomination. Well, if that happens, just go ahead and start congratulating Barack Obama on his second term in office. He'll slaughter that crazy eyed nutcase. Other than a win or two in the neo-Confederate/Bible Belt states, she'll be decimated.
    "Every generation's memory is exactly as long as its own experience." --John Kenneth Galbraith

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