Everybody knows that there are more tracks than places available on the calendar. Everybody also knows that the teams want to test in the middle of the season, but aren't allowed to (and quite frankly, on the evidence, that's working out fine so far). Teams are thus forced to test at race weekends. Finally, fans want to see some of the great old tracks back, and are also curious to see how an F1 car would go on one of the newer tracks not on the calendar.

Perhaps extra, non-compulsory and non-championship race weekends could be held at some of the forgotten tracks? Could be a way to get tracks like Imola back, would give fans in the places concerned something to cheer about, and would give the teams a chance for more testing. Since it's non-championship and all, it would even give reserve drivers and rookies a chance. Another consideration is that it could be a way of getting around the issue of more than one championship grand prix per country.

Obviously, too many of these each year and the idea would fall flat. Also, the cost is to be considered; some teams might not want to attend, but that's why I say not compulsory. And, of course, it'll never happen, but I can dream...