to society as a whole.

I know this is a very touchy subject. I have dealt with the effects of guns accidentally discharged either killing or injuring (wounding) others.

I am not advocating anything other than the professional view that I believe that countries such as the US do not have laws strict enough to curb the violence inflicted by these weapons.

That one can own a mini arsenal is ludicrous. Why does anyone need 12 guns or 20 guns? Why does anyone need assault rifles? Why on earth can a person own a .50 caliber rifle capable of causing massive damage to any structure be it a vehicle (read airplane) or individuals.

After the Virginia Tech shooting some lawmakers in the US were advocating having students carry weapons on campus.

That has got to be the most idiotic proposal I have heard in many years.

Just the mere fact that these kids have guns is sad , but that they are able to carry them at school at the tender age of 18+.

Professionally, people of that age are capable of rash decision making along with being under very high levels of stress.

Currently, the US is behind Brazil where gun violence is concerned. What is the reason. I have my own and would like an input.

I understand this is a very touchy subject so let's try to keep it civil. (me too)

Finally this is from the WHO,A recent study. I have a more recent one too that states that the US is last amongst the first world countries where violence and gun crime is a major concern. It is also as mentioned earlier behind a developing country. (World Health Organization, 2006) has pointed to the possibility of preventing disease by controlling environmental factors; it has been estimated that more than 20% of total suicides in North America and Europe can be attributed to environmental factors, one of which is access to firearms.